Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Climbing on a box

I was climbing on a box that Mommy was going to throw away. This is how I learned to pull myself up to a standing position. I made a silly face at Mommy.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Doing my Baby Yoga

Mommy caught me doing my baby yoga tonight before bed. I like to stretch out after a hard day of belly crawling and sitting up. I have to strengthen my leg muscles so I can get up on all fours and crawl normally. I relax after each yoga move. I know it is the same one, but that is the only one I know.

8 Months Old

I am now 8 months old, and I can sit up by myself, and hold my own bottle. I become more independent everyday and Mommy doesn't like that do much. (she does and she doesn't) With me being able to hold my own bottle she is able to get more done during the day. I still have to be spoon fed, but I try to grab the spoon and feed myself. Mommy says that I am not ready for that yet.

I have been sleeping through the night for awhile now. Mommy still stays up late and doesn't get much sleep. She will learn.

Mommy took pictures of me today after she got done feeding me so please don't mind the food on my face and clothes, I am a baby still and I do make a mess. I was making silly faces at Mommy. She was laughing at me.

The weather is starting to warm up so Mommy takes me outside in the afternoon, when it is not as warm out.

There is so much to look at. We saw a couple of bunnies eating in our front lawn the other day. But they ran off as soon as I screamed.

Daddy and Mommy are going to take me to a park. I don't know what that is, but I am sure I will have fun. Daddy said something about going down a slide with me. I am sure Mommy will take plenty of pictures of that.

Well I guess that is all for now. Will let you know when I do something else amazing.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Sitting all by myself

I sat up all by myself today, I was really surprised, Mommy started clapping and saying that she was proud of me. I did it a couple of times all day.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Pictures of Mommy and Me

Mommy was going through her baby book and found some pictures, In one of the pictures we are wearing the same shirt. Mommy was four months old in the picture of her wearing the pink shirt, and I am 7 months old. Do you think we look alike?

Monday, April 7, 2008

Looking at my new book

Mommy and Daddy bought me a new book this weekend. It is about zoo animals, and each page has a different animal on it and it has the texture of each animal. Like the Zebra has a little patch of fur that is black and white that I can touch. It is so soft. Mommy reads the book to me all the time, she has to help me feel the different textures. I would rather eat the book then anything :>)
Mommy gave me the book to look at while I was in my jumper and she just had to take pictures of me looking at my book.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Look where I fell asleep

I played so much in my jumper that I fell asleep. Mommy took pictures of me and I woke up shortly after from the flash of the camera. Silly Mommy.