I am now 11 months, Mommy and Daddy can't believe how fast time has gone by. They keep saying I can't believe she will be a year old next month.
I am starting to take a few steps holding onto Mommy's hands. Pretty soon I will be walking on my own. I still like to crawl it is much faster.
I have been trying new foods and I like yogurt, cheese, and cheerios. (what baby doesn't like cheerios) Mommy has also started switching me over to milk. She said we are going to make it a slow change over so I only get a little bit of milk in with my formula. Mommy said by the time I am a year old I should be on only milk.
I have learned a few new things this past month. I now clap my hands but it doesn't make any noise like when Mommy does it. I can almost drink from a sippy cup, Mommy wants me off the bottle by the time I am a year old or a little after that.
I made a new friend, Mommy met another mom that has a daughter that is a little older then me. I didn't know what to think at first, but after awhile we tried to play together. I didn't like her playing with my toys. I am not used to sharing. Mommy said I will have another playdate with her sometime soon.
Mommy and Daddy took me to a park the other day and I went down the slide. I didn't know what to think of it I was scared. Daddy held onto me as I went down, but I still didn't know what to think. Mommy will have to bring the camera along with the next time we go so all of you can see me going down the slide. Maybe the next park will have a swing I can go in.
Well guess that is all for now, next time I give you an update I will be a year old. Talk to you then.