Sunday, August 31, 2008

Helping Mommy

Here I am helping Mommy with the laundry. She asked me to take the laundry into the living room and I pushed the laundry basket into the living room. Then I got to play in the clothes.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Helping Daddy put my toy together

Mommy and Daddy got me a walk n ride toy for my birthday, I helped Daddy put it together. Even though I do pretty good on walking I like to push things around, and when I get a little bigger Daddy can change it into a riding toy.

I also got a bathing suit, a dress, and a frog from Grandma Smith, and a tank top, t-shirt and a book from Great-Grandma Lauhrn. I got a card with money in it from my Great Aunt Linda. Mommy and Daddy also got me a few little items like a new outfit, a basketball hoop for the tub, and a new toothbrush. I am not to fond of the toothbrush, but the doctor says they have to brush my teeth twice a day.

My birthday cake

Well we had a little party for me on Sunday, it was just me and Mommy and Daddy. Mommy made my cake, she didn't want to get one at the store.

I didn't really know what to think of the cake once they lit the candles. Mommy and Daddy helped me blow
out the candles. Mommy cut me a tiny piece and put it on a plate for me to eat. Once I got the frosting
on my hands I didn't like the way it felt, I tried to eat the frosting off my hand. But I did really like the cake that did end up in my mouth.

I didn't make to much of a mess, I ended up sitting on most of my cake, so when I was done, Mommy stripped me down and Daddy got me in the tub.
I can't wait until my next birthday to have more cake.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me

I am a year old today, Mommy can't believe how fast it went.
I am walking pretty good now, but I still crawl every so often. Only when I can't get someplace fast enough.
I am starting to like different foods, I love cantaloupe, cheese, yogurt, goldfish crackers. Pretty much anything they give me. I like to feed myself, but I still make a mess, so Mommy helps me out a lot.
I'm not talking much, just a bunch of baby babble yet, I point to what I want and Mommy and Daddy give it to me,
The pictures are of me when I was a couple days old, 6 months, and today my first birthday. It is hard to believe I was that tiny.
It is hard to believe what I have learned in this past year, from learning to hold my head up, to learning how to walk. I have a lot more to learn, and I can't wait to see what else there is for me to learn.
Mommy will take pictures of me eating my first piece of cake on Sunday, I can't wait to make a big mess.
Thanks for reading about my first year of life, I hope you continue to share in my experiences with the years to come.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Play date

Mommy had a friend come over today and she brought along her daughter Taylyn who is a year old. So she is only a few weeks older then me. We played good together, except I didn't like to share my toys. In one of the pictures we are playing tug of war over a toy.

Yes I know you see the back of my head most of the time, I was always facing away from the camera, I know better :) Mommy kept trying to get my attention but I knew what she was up too.
I hope my new friend comes over to play again real soon :)

Look at me Walk

Here are some pictures of me walking, I can kind of walk on my own, but I fall down after a few steps. If Mommy is holding my hand I can walk really good. Before you know it I will be off and running.