On Friday Mommy and Daddy took me to a park that had a walking path and a playground. We all took a walk first, then we got to play. Their was lots to look at, people walking on the path, dogs out for walks, I didn't know what to look at. We stopped at one spot along the path and Mommy took me out of the stroller and let me walk around for a little bit. I was picking up leaves and playing with them.
Once we got to the playground, Daddy and I went and played while Mommy took pictures. I didn't know what to think because I have never been to a playground before. Their where alot of kids running around screaming and laughing, I stayed close to Daddy. He took me down a slide. Well I didn't really slide down it, Daddy helped me along. We walked across this one bridge that moved when I walked across it. Daddy had to hold onto me so I wouldn't fall.
I had a blast at the playground and can't wait to go back and play some more.