Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Playing in the clothes basket

I was helping Mommy with the clothes. I think I had more fun playing in them then helping.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

14 months

I was slacking for a little bit, I haven't posted any monthly updates since 11 months. I am a busy girl and don't have time.

Okay I am now walking and have been for a couple of months now, I am totally off the bottle, and off formula. I clap my hands, wave bye-bye, and laugh alot. Still not talking much, I will when I am ready.
The pictures are of me being me, still have the pacifer in my mouth, Mommy doesn't win on that one, I will let it go when I am good and ready and not a day before. I like to carry a blanket or burp rag around with me.
Have to stay in shape so I stand on my head and do my baby yoga. Mommy thinks it is funny when I do that.
Well, I promise to keep all my faithful readers updated more often on what I am doing.

Blowing Raspberries on my car

Don't need to really say anything about this, Mommy caught me blowing raspberries on my car.

Playing with my car

Mommy changed my push toy into a riding toy today to see if I could figure it out. Well I pushed myself backwards and that is about as far as I got. So I just sat there trying to figure out how to get off without hurting myself. I think I like it better as a push toy.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Playing in the Leaves

While we where at the park today we found a little patch of grass that was covered in leaves, and Mommy and Daddy took me out of the stroller to walk around in the leaves. I had so much fun crunching the leaves under my feet. Most of the pictures Mommy got are a little blurry because I was walking when she took them.

Daddy showed me some trees and let me touch the leaves. Daddy always tries to show me new things and let me touch them so I know what things feel like.
I had fun exploring today, I can't wait to go back and see what else I can find.

Feeding the Geese and Ducks

We went to Fairground Park today and fed the Ducks and geese, well mostly the ducks. Mommy make up 2 bags of popcorn, and had some bread to feed them. They where really hungry they ate the popcorn so fast. I don't know who had more fun feeding them me or Daddy.

Don't worry the duck that looks like it is touching my hand is no where near it. Mommy checked after she took the picture.

When we took our walk around the little lake we saw some baby ducklings. They are so cute and fuzzy, Mommy said I couldn't play with them I could only look.

We plan on going back next weekend when Daddy has off, and we will bring more popcorn this time around.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Putting on Daddy's Work Shirt

Daddy was getting ready for work, and I stole his shirt off the couch and was trying to put it on. I got my arm through the sleeve but that was about it.