It didn't really feel like Christmas with no snow on the ground, but what do you expect when you live in the South. We had lots of rain and wind on Christmas Eve. I wondered if Santa would be able to get to all the good boys and girls. But Mommy said that Santa always finds a way to get the presents to everyone. And of course she was right. I had a bunch of presents under the tree when I woke up Christmas morning. We didn't open presents til later in the day. Mommy and Daddy wanted to make sure I had a nap before we opened presents so I would be in a good mood.
When I woke up from my nap Mommy put all my presents on my Tinkerbell table and took a picture of me with all my gifts. Then she took them all off and only gave me a few at a time. At first I wasn't sure what to do with the presents, but Daddy showed me how to open one and after that I went nuts with ripping open the wrapping paper to see what was inside. Mommy was taking pictures but I was going threw them so fast that she couldn't keep up.
From my Great Aunt Linda I got 2 new outfits, From Great Grandma Margie I got a book that talks to me when I push the buttons, a pair of socks, lotion, rubberbands for my hair, and a new shirt, From Grandma Smith I got a pair of froggie jammies, a jogging suit, a pink bunny, and some mittens. One of the mittens has a frog on it, From Santa I got a stuffed puppy that has its own carrying case, and from Mommy and Daddy I got a book that talks it is from LeapFrog. Guess it is suppose to help me talk and learn different things.
All in all I had a great Christmas, I can't wait til next year to do it all over again.
Merry Christmas Everyone.