I am now 7 months old, I am learning new things everyday. I have discovered my feet. I lay on the floor and play with my feet all day long if I could. I roll around all over the floor and army crawl. I haven't figured out how to crawl yet. I can get up on all fours but am not sure what to do from there. Mommy gets on the floor with me and crawls around, I just don't get what she is doing. That will come in time I guess.
I have been eating more solid food lately, Mommy feeds me breakfast in the morning of rice cereal with a little fruit mixed in, after all that food I am ready for a nap. After I wake up Mommy feeds me a snack of vegetables, then I usually take another nap, and when I wake up Mommy feeds me another snack of fruit. When it gets close to bed time Mommy feeds me supper. Mommy is so proud of me, she says I am being such a big girl and eating so good. I still drink a lot of formula. I have a 6oz bottle after each meal.
I have started to sleep through the night, with all the food I eat during the day I don't need to get up at night any more. Now Mommy needs to learn to go to bed early. I get up around 7 each morning. I play in my crib quietly for awhile until Mommy is ready to get me. I don't mind playing in my crib.
Daddy and Mommy took me shopping today. I got a new toy, as you can see by the pictures Mommy took I really like my new toy. I was a little tired from all the shopping. I will play with it more in the morning. My new toy bounces up and down, and has lots of new toys to play with. The seat spins around so I can move easily from toy to toy. Sometimes I don't know which toy I want to play with. Mommy likes it because this way she can get more stuff done around the house without worrying about me getting hurt.
I guess that is all for now, will post again when something new happens to me.