I am now 6 months old. Halfway to a year. Went into the doctor again for my 6 month shots. I hate shots but Mommy said I don't get anymore til I am a year old. Yeah!!! I know weigh 15lbs 4 oz. and am 26 inches tall.
I still give Mommy problems at night with sleeping. I like to fall asleep early in the morning. Who like to go to bed early and miss everything. When I am ready I will go to bed early but I am having fun at night. Mommy wants me to go to bed early so she has a chance to get things done.
I am still eating solid food. Most of it still ends up all over me. I like to chew on my hands in between bites. I don't like it when Mommy cleans me up afterwards. I wish she would just put me in the tub. That is alot more fun then getting my face wiped with a washcloth.
I enjoy watching SpongeBob and the Wonder Pets on tv. When I hear the theme song I stop what I am doing so I can watch it. I like alot of other shows too, but those are my favorite.
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