Monday, August 25, 2008

My birthday cake

Well we had a little party for me on Sunday, it was just me and Mommy and Daddy. Mommy made my cake, she didn't want to get one at the store.

I didn't really know what to think of the cake once they lit the candles. Mommy and Daddy helped me blow
out the candles. Mommy cut me a tiny piece and put it on a plate for me to eat. Once I got the frosting
on my hands I didn't like the way it felt, I tried to eat the frosting off my hand. But I did really like the cake that did end up in my mouth.

I didn't make to much of a mess, I ended up sitting on most of my cake, so when I was done, Mommy stripped me down and Daddy got me in the tub.
I can't wait until my next birthday to have more cake.

1 comment:

Kath- said...

Love the last pic of her with the plate. Way Cute