Sunday, December 28, 2008
Fashion show

My second cousin Kathy sent me a box of clothes that her daughter has outgrown. Thank you so very much for the clothes. So here is a little fashion show just for you, so you can see what I look like in them.
I know Grandpa is going to love me in the brown outfit since brown is his favorite color.
Mommy has the clothes that will fit me now or will in the near future in my dresser already and the rest are in the box for when I need them.
Thank you again for the clothes.
Christmas 2008

Another year has gone by and Christmas is upon us once again. Guess I am still a little young to understand all the excitement
Kaitlin and William helped me open my presents. From Mommy and Daddy I got a purple Tinkerbell chair, an activity center, and color crayons made for my age. They are called Tadoodles. I would rather eat the crayon part, so Mommy took the crayon part out and is letting me play with the base of it. Once I get the hang of it I am sure I will be making pictures for everyone :)
My cousin Kaitlin got me dolly, Uncle Jim and Grandpa got me a Pooh Bear, and Uncle Dave and William got me a Pound Puppy. Sorry Uncle Dave no pictures of the Pound Puppy yet, but I will make sure Mommy gets some on here.
My Uncles and Grandpa

I didn't really know what to think of my uncles, I was a little afraid of them at first. But by the last day I was starting to warm up to them a little. Once I get a little older I think I will be less afraid of them. Mommy did get some pictures of me with my Uncles. The one without the glasses is my Uncle Dave, and the one with glasses is my Uncle Jim.
I didn't really know what to think of Grandpa either. But he got to hold me long enough for Mommy to take a picture of us together. I am sorry for not letting you hold me.
Sorry I was scared, I promise next time I see you I will be better. :)
Sorry if the pictures are a little fuzzy, Mommy was having a little trouble with the camera. Come to think of it so was Uncle Jim.
My Cousins

I got to see my cousins again, I haven't seen them since I was 2 months old. I really like my cousins. William is my oldest cousin and he is 13, he really liked playing with me. Kaitlin is my other cousin and she is 11. She played with me too. She let me watch her play her nintendo DS I liked all the noise it made.
I can't wait to see them again. Til we see each other again, Thanks for playing with me.
16 Months and Climbing

I am now 16 months old and I love to climb on anything I can. In the pictures Mommy took, I was climbing on the shelves they put there shoes on. I have to take all the shoes off first, then I just climb right up and lay on the shelf. Mommy is afraid I will fall, she is probably right, but it is so much fun.
I don't know how much I weigh, haven't been to the doctor yet for my check up. Mommy is going to call and get the appointment set up tomorrow. But don't worry I will let you all know.
I still am not talking much, I will say dada and mama and that is about it. Mommy says if she listens really close it sounds like I am saying some other words too. Like down and yes.
Don't know what else is new that I am doing, pretty much the same as last month. If I do something really cool, you all know that Mommy will be right on top of it.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
My trip to Paris

A couple of weekends ago we went to Paris, Tennessee that is. They have a smaller version of the Eiffel Tower, like the one they have in Paris France. By the time we got there it was dark, so it was hard to get a good picture of it, but I think you get the main idea of it. Mommy tried to get a picture of me in front of it, but couldn't get the whole tower and me in the picture, so you just have a picture of me at the base of the tower.
We plan on going back during the day time so Mommy can get better pictures of it.
I know Grandma Smith you are jealous that I got to see the Eiffel Tower.
Daddy was saying that who ever put the lights on the tower didn't do a good job. He said he could have done a much better job. And I know he could have.
Friday, December 19, 2008
my new hiding spot
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