I am now 16 months old and I love to climb on anything I can. In the pictures Mommy took, I was climbing on the shelves they put there shoes on. I have to take all the shoes off first, then I just climb right up and lay on the shelf. Mommy is afraid I will fall, she is probably right, but it is so much fun.
I don't know how much I weigh, haven't been to the doctor yet for my check up. Mommy is going to call and get the appointment set up tomorrow. But don't worry I will let you all know.
I still am not talking much, I will say dada and mama and that is about it. Mommy says if she listens really close it sounds like I am saying some other words too. Like down and yes.
Don't know what else is new that I am doing, pretty much the same as last month. If I do something really cool, you all know that Mommy will be right on top of it.
1 comment:
This is too funny. What a little stinker our girl is! She is just getting too smart!
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