I know I haven't updated my blog in awhile. And for that I apologize. I decided to combine my 17 and 18 month update into one post.
17 months, Not much of a change, still doing the same ole things I always do. Still not doing much on the talking end, guess I am not ready to talk yet. I just point at what I want and Mommy and Daddy give it to me, why should I say anything.
18 months, well I started to say mama I guess that is a start. I love to play copy cat. I know where my head, eyes, nose, ears, and tummy are. I am learning to feed myself with a fork and spoon. I am still attached to my pacifer. Mommy is going to have fun breaking me of that habit.
Well, I guess that is about it for my monthly updates. Will update you again when I am 19 months.
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