Friday, March 13, 2009

My Busy Day

Well, I have been sick for awhile now, and when Mommy and Daddy took me in a couple of weeks ago, the doctor said I had bronchitis. So I was on antibiotics for that. It cleared up my runny nose but not my cough.

So, Mommy took me back into the doctor's today. I weigh 21.10 lbs. The doctor was really nice, I remember her from all the other appointments I had. Mommy told her all my symptoms I had. And the doctor checked me out. I sat on the table like a big girl while she examined me. She checked my ears, nose and throat, and then she listened to my heart and lungs. After she was done, she talked to Mommy some more and she told Mommy that she wanted to do an x-ray of my lungs, and try a breathing treatment to see if that didn't help me.

Mommy and I went into the x-ray room, and they put me in this seat, and placed this mold around me with my arms above my head, (that way I wouldn't move during the x-ray) I did so good, I didn't cry once. The lady doing the x-ray was impressed with how good I did. After the x-ray was done we went back into the room.

The nurse came in to give me my breathing treatment. While Mommy was holding the mask to my face, the nurse put this thing on my finger to let her know what my oxygen level was. She said it was at 98 which was good. I didn't really care for the mask over my face, but I was a real trooper. I only squirmed a little bit. The breathing treatment only lasted about 5 minutes. After I was done, the doctor came back into the room to listen to my lungs again. Well, the breathing treatment didn't help my lungs at all. And the doctor said she didn't like how the x-rays looked. She said I have a spot on my lung that is a sign of pneumonia.

After telling Mommy that I have pneumonia, she said she wanted to prick my finger and test my blood cell count, so the nurse came back in and pricked my finger. Mommy jumped a little when they pricked my finger. I just said on Mommy's lap and watched what she was doing. So after a few minutes of waiting she came back into the room and said my blood cell count was good.

So I am now back on antibiotics for another 10 days and then I go back in to see if I am any better. I will keep you all posted on how I am doing.

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