Sunday, April 22, 2012

Thunder over Louisville

Yesterday we went on a little road trip up to Thunder over Louisville. It is the kick off of the Kentucky Derby. They had an air show and fireworks. Mommy would have taken more pictures but when we got up there she realized her camera was just about dead, so she saved the pictures for the fireworks.

While we where waiting for the fireworks to start I had my very first funnel cake, it was so yummy, and a little messy.

Once the fireworks started I sat on Daddy's lap under a blanket. Mommy brought earplugs for me so it wouldn't be so loud.

It was a little cold that night, I am glad Mommy brought along my jacket and a blanket to keep me warm.

I can't wait til next year. Just hope it will be a little warmer.


Mary D said...

those are some awesome pictures and I would say she is enjoying herself

Judianne said...

My goodness what can be better than your first funnel cake? Except maybe sitting, cuddled up on daddy's lap with a blanket! The pictures mommy took of the fireworks are beautiful. And leave it to mommy to remember the earplugs! Looked like you all had a great time!