Friday, March 7, 2008

Moving day

In May we moved from Gallatin Tn. to Joelton Tn. We found a trailor in the country for rent and get me closer to where Steve worked. I was 5 months pregnant so I didn't help out to much. I just carried the lighter stuff and told Steve and Dave where to put things. I had things to do now with the unpacking. I was not working at the time.

I already had a doctor lined up in Ashland City. So about a week after we moved I had my next doctor's appointment. This was just a sit down with the doctor. Talked about what was going on and when I was due.

We set up my next doctor's appoinment and he did another ultrasound. He said the fluid level looked great. That was one thing I was worried about. He taped the ultrasound for us, and we had a friend of Steve's make copies for us. That way mom could see her little one. Or should I say grandma got to see her little "froggie"

When I gave my mom the dvd she watched it every night before she went to bed. She would call me the next day and say she noticed something different. She was so proud of her little "froggie" she would tell everyone about her.

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